Other Projects

Word Cloud for Gendered Islamophobia in the Case of the Returning ISIS Women: A Canadian Narrative" by Yasmin Jiwani

I crafted a word cloud to visually represent sentiments extracted from online comments by Canadian citizens in response to Canadian women returnees associated with ISIS. This visual tool encapsulates the diverse perspectives and emotions expressed in the societal dialogue surrounding this issue. The image effectively conveys the intricate interplay of racism, Islamophobia, and gendered agency. This word cloud was created as part of the research titled "Gendered Islamophobia in the Case of the Returning ISIS Women: A Canadian Narrative" by Yasmin Jiwani.

See Yasmin Jiwani's paper here.

Short film "I am coming home" by Espace GO

I crafted a short story titled "I am going home," inspired by the day my grandmother passed away and the enduring grief experienced by my mother. Subsequently, the theater troupe "ESPACE GO" produced a short film based on this narrative. My maternal family is intricately woven into what scholars refer to as the sunbelt diaspora (Silver, 2020). In the latter half of the twentieth century, a significant number of Puerto Ricans, including my mother, embarked on a journey in search of a better life. Settling in Mexico City in the late 1970s, my mother became part of this migratory wave. In 1990, my uncles migrated to the United States with their families. In 1997, my grandmother joined us in Mexico City, where she resided for 15 years before returning to San Juan. She eventually passed away in 2012, marking the culmination of her unique journey and leaving an indelible impact on our family narrative. See the short film here.


I co-produced the pilot episode of the PlaceDive Podcast, a dynamic project from the PlaceDive Collective. This innovative podcast delves into the unexplored realms of the Canadian urban fabric, shedding light on overlooked spaces by uncovering their unknown histories and personal significance. With a deeply collaborative ethos, the PlaceDive Podcast invites Montreal's urban citizens to actively participate in engaging with the spaces they inhabit. The podcast serves as a conduit for understanding the intricate meanings constructed by, for, and through urban place-based narratives. You can listen to the pilot episode here